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仿真电脑出租用STAR CCM+,COMSOL,Matlab,Material Studio,EDEM
¥5 191人付款

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波析企业店 四川 成都
【4周达】The Finite Element Method: Basic Concepts and Applications with MATLAB, MAPLE, and COMSOL, T... [9781498738606]
¥1639 193人付款

【4周达】The Finite Element Method: Basic Concepts and Applications with MATLAB, MAPLE, and COMSOL, T... [9781498738606]

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澜瑞图书专营店 江苏 苏州
预订 进口原版 Multiphysics Modeling Using COMSOL 5 and MATLAB 9781683925897
¥887 119人付款

预订 进口原版 Multiphysics Modeling Using COMSOL 5 and MATLAB 9781683925897

国纯图书专营店 上海
预订The Finite Element Method:Basic Concepts and Applications with MATLAB, MAPLE, and COMSOL, Third Edition
¥2470 62人付款

预订The Finite Element Method:Basic Concepts and Applications with MATLAB, MAPLE, and COMSOL, Third Edition

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【预售 按需印刷】Integrated Modeling using MatLab  Simulink and COMSOL
¥1331 38人付款

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中图数字图书专营店 北京

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